Dong Hoon Shn MD, PhD

Professor, Dept of Anatomy and Cell Biology/Institute of Forensic and Anthropological Science, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, South Korea

Field Works in INDIA

Field Works in INDIA
with my colleague Dr. Shinde of India

National Geographic Explorer (2016)

Kavli Frontiers of Science: Invited Speaker

Research Project in India (2011-2017)

Research Project in India (2011-2017)

Waiting for My Turn: Lecture in Deccan College (2013)

Waiting for My Turn: Lecture in Deccan College (2013)

Investigation of Bones at Archaeological Sites (2006)

Investigation of Bones at Archaeological Sites (2006)

First Paper of Korean Mummy Published (2003)

First Paper of Korean Mummy Published (2003)
Ann Anat. 2003 Jul;185(4):377-82.

The World Cup in Korea-Japan

The World Cup in Korea-Japan

Becoming PhD (2000): Anatomy

Becoming PhD (2000): Anatomy
Seoul National University

Dankook University (1999-2002)

Dankook University (1999-2002)
Instructor & Assistant Professor

The First Authorship (1999)

The First Authorship (1999)
Anat Embryol (Berl). 1999 Aug;200(2):193-201.

My First Paper (1996)

My First Paper (1996)
Arch Histol Cytol. 1996 Oct;59(4):369-73.

Physician (MD) in Youngwol County (-1996)

Physician (MD) in Youngwol County (-1996)

Graduation (1992): Doctor of Medicine (Haksa Degree)

Graduation (1992): Doctor of Medicine (Haksa Degree)
Seoul National University College of Medicine

Born (1966)

Born (1966)
in South Korea