Dong Hoon Shn MD, PhD
Professor, Dept of Anatomy and Cell Biology/Institute of Forensic and Anthropological Science, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, South Korea
2025년 3월 21일 금요일
피드 구독하기:
글 (Atom)
Brief CV
- Paleopathologist, Anatomist, Statistician, Historian
- Professor, Seoul National University College of Medicine
- MD, PhD (Anatomy), MS (Statistics), MA (East Asian Studies)
- Senior Researcher, Institute of Forensic and Anthropological Science, Seoul National University
- 320 Peer-Reviewed Articles (English: 254; Korean: 54; Japanese: 12)
- Complete CV of Shin DH (Last Updated: 2024/11/23)
Projects in Progress
Year of 2025 (-5)
- Academic Meeting: 대동물의 가축화와 삼한사회의 성립: 국립중앙박물관 동원 학술대회
- Academic Meeting: Paleopathological significance of murder investigation records of the Joseon Dynasty, Korea: 52nd Annual North American Meeting of the Paleopathology Association
- Article: 考古学および遺伝学が究明する東アジアの カイコ飼育の起源と歴史的な拡散過程 (動物考古学)
- Article: 대한제국시대 검험에서 사망원인 규명 과정의 일례 –임피군 김백룡 치사사건에 대한 법의학적 분석을 중심으로 (동양학)
- Book Editing: 藤田尚, 申東勳 (ft. 李慧眞). 歯科古病理学最前線(績文堂出版)
- Book Editing: Korean Mummies of Joseon Kingdom - Introduction to Archaeologists and Historians (Archaeopress)
- Editorial Board Member: 52nd Annual North American Meeting of the Paleopathology Association.
- Scientific Committee Member: the 11th World Congress on Mummy Studies
Year of 2024
- Academic Meeting: "21st century paleopathology"-North America PPA Meeting (March 18-20, 2024)
- Academic Meeting: 日本動物考古学会
- Academic Meeting: American Association for the History of Medicine (Kansas City)
- Academic Meeting: One Paleopathology Workshop
- Academic Meeting: The International Society for Evolution, Medicine, and Public Health
- Article: Cost-Effectiveness and Other Considerations for Different Research Techniques Applied in Ancient DNA Analysis (Anatomy and Cell Biology)
- Article: 대한제국 검시기록에서 익사로 위장된 살인사건에 대한 법의인류학적 검토 (해부생물인류학)
- Article: 대한제국 시기 전라북도 운봉군 박봉운 검안기록에 대한 법의인류학적 검토(대한법의학회지)
- Article: 동아시아 돼지 사육의 기원과 확산 - 동물고고학 연구의 최신동향을 중심으로 (인문학연구)
- Article: 李陽洙・洪宗河・申東勳. 韓国の考古学から見た「三重構造」モデル. Anthropological Science (Japanese Series).
- Article: 생물인류학적 관점에서 본 조선시대 검안시장의 학술적 가치와 가능성 (해부생물인류학)
- Article: 신동훈, 이양수. 고대 한반도 남부와 일본 열도의 인적 교류에 대한 인류학적 해석의 최신양상. 무덤에서 비친 빛, 거울. 국립나주박물관
- Article: Archaeological and Anthropological Study of the Joseon Period Grave for a Royal Court Eunuch Couple in Korea(Archaeology, Ethnology & Anthropology of Eurasia)
- Article: Difference in linear enamel hypoplasia frequency between the 16th- to 19th-century agrarian populations of the Korean Joseon dynasty and Siberian Russia (Anthropological Science)
- Article: Efectiveness and satisfaction with virtual and donor dissections: A randomized controlled trial (Scientific Report)
- Article: Perspectives of Medical Students and Developers Regarding Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Mixed Reality, and 3D Printing Technologies: Survey Study (JMIR XR and Spatial Computing)
- Article: The Anatomical and Histological Pattern of Cremated Bone from Bronze Age Grave of Pyeongtaek in South Korea (Ancient Asia)
- Book Chapter: Bioethics to be considered for the killed in action recovery and identification project of Korean War Casualties (Archaeopress)
- Book Chapters in: Forensic Anthropology and Human Identification on the Cases of South Korea (Eds. Lee SD and Shin DH). SNU Press, Seoul
- Book Editing: 초심자를 위한 길잡이: 사람조직학(고려의학)
- Book Editing: Lee SD, Shin DH. Forensic Anthropology and Human Identification from Korean Perspective. SNU Press, Seoul.
- Editorial Board Member: 51th Annual North American Meeting of the Paleopathology Association.
- Magazine: 누에 사육의 기원과 역사적 확산과정의 고찰(한국의 고고학)
Year of 2023
- 서울의대 의학박물관 특별전: 준비위원장
- 초청강연: 강원대 박물관대학 2기
- 초청강연: 여행자 학교 (연합뉴스)
- Article: 考古寄生虫学とトイレ考古学 (Anthropological Science: Japanese Series)
- Article: 고고학 및 유전학적 연구성과로 본 화북지역 사육 소의 역사적 확산과정(인문학연구)
- Article: 考古学からみた韓半島における馬飼育様相の変遷. (動物考古學: 日本).
- Article: 都市民の生活と疾病―東アジア的モデルの模索 (都市化の古病理学)
- Article: 生物人類学と古病理学からみたインダス都市の繁栄と衰退 (都市化の古病理学)
- Article: 人類史における都市化と寄生虫感染 (都市化の古病理学)
- Article: 조선후기 증수무원록언해 시장기록에 기술된 해부학용어의 검토(해부생물인류학)
- Article: 最新の発掘調査で明らかになった古代韓国の都市の発展と都市民の生活 (都市化の古病理学)
- Article: 医学的見地からみた都市化とヒトの疾病 (都市化の古病理学)
- Article: Anthropological Report of Arctic People’s Mummy Found at a Medieval Grave of West Siberia(Anatomy and Cell Biology)
- Article: Cross-Analysis of carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes in hairs retrieved from crania of Korean Joseon Dynasty Mummies and Russian Settlers in Siberia (Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports)
- Article: Paleoparasitology research on ancient helminth eggs and larvae in the Republic of Korea (Parasites Hosts Dis)
- Article: Parasitological Study on the Possible Toilet Remains of the Japanese Colonial Period in South Korea(Parasit Host Dis)
- Article: Prospect of Paleopathological Research on the Forensic Work Records of Joseon Dynasty Period in Korean History (Asian Journal of Paleopathology)
- Article: Revealing Joseon Period People’s Single Nucleotide Polymorphism in Lactase Gene by Ancient DNA Analysis of Human Remains from Archaeological Sites in Korea (Anatomy and Cell Biology)
- Article: The first archaeoparasitological data on the Russian rural population in Western Siberia in the 18th-19th centuries(Anthropological Science)
- Article: Three-Dimensional Segmentation and Model Reconstruction of a Joseon Mummy’s Heart and Liver from Computed Tomography (Ancient Asia)
- Article: Updates on parasite infection prevalence in the Joseon period based on parasitological studies of human coprolites isolated from archaeological sites in the cities of Euijeongbu, Gumi, and Wonju (Parasites, Hosts, Diseases)
- Book Chapter: A celebration of friendship between the scholars of India and South Korea. (2023) In: Peopling and Cultural Spread: Studies in South Asian Archaeology (Dev Publishers & Distributors)
- Book Editing: 都市化の古病理学 (雄山閣)
- Book Editing: New Perspectives of the Harappan Culture in the light of Recent Excavations at Rakhigarhi: From 2011-2017 Archaeological and Bio-Anthropological Research at Rakhigarhi (Archaeopress)
- Editorial Board Member: 50th Annual North American Meeting of the Paleopathology Association
- International Symposium: 先魁 Sakigake Project in Kanazawa University
- International Symposium: East Asian People’s Life and Death
- International Symposium: Forensic Anthropology from the Korean Perspective
- News: 세계서 드문 인더스 문명 ‘체질 인류학 보고서’ 낸 의대 교수 (조선일보)
Year of 2022
- Article: 동아시아 닭 사육의 확립 과정 및 그 역사적 전개– 동물고고학 최신 분석기법의 적용 사례를 중심으로 (동양학)
- Article: A portrait drawing of the 17th century Korean scholar based on craniofacial reconstruction (Anatomy and Cell Biology)
- Article: Anatomical and Histological Analyses on Cattle and Horse Bones of Joseon Period Discovered at Archaeological Site in Old Seoul City Area (Ancient Asia)
- Article: Dental Calculi of Siberian Natives, Russian Settlers, and Korean People of Joseon Dynasty Period in the 16th to 19th Century Eurasia Continent (Biomed Res Int)
- Article: Genetic analysis of mitochondrial DNA from ancient Equus caballus bones found at archaeological site of Joseon dynasty period capital area (Animal Bioscience)
- Article: Paleoparasitology Research in Korea: Ancient Helminth Eggs and Larvae Detected in Archaeological Samples: Parasit Host Dis
- Article: Porotic Hyperostosis Observed in the 16th to 19th Century Crania of Native Siberians, Russian Settlers, and Joseon Dynasty Koreans (Archaeology, Ethnology & Anthropology of Eurasia)
- Article: Revisiting Diaphragmatic Hernia of Joseon Period Korean Mummy by ThreeDimensional Liver and Heart Segmentation and Model Reconstruction (Anatomy & Cell Biology)
- Article: The impact of the modified schedules of anatomy education on students' performance and satisfaction: Responding to COVID-19 pandemic in South Korea (PlosOne)
- Article:朝鮮時代の日記史料から推定したニワトリの消費様相 (動物考古学)
- Editorial Board Member: International Journal of Osteoarchaeology
- Honor: Lifetime Achievement Award (Seoul National University College of Medicine): 서울의대 가치빛냄 연구상
- Invited Foreword: the Routledge Handbook of Paleopathology (Edited by Dr. Anne Grauer)
- Invited Guest Editor: Scientific Reports Collection: "Ancient Biomolecules"
- Invited Speaker: A public lecture of Asia-Pacific Paleopathology Forum in Kyoto (July 30, 2022)
- Leading Guest Editor: Special Issue: Biomedical Studies of Ancient Asian Humans and Animals (Biomed Res Int)
- MA thesis: Study of 兕 Described in the Oracle Bone Scripts of Ancient China (갑골문에 보이는 兕의 역사적 실체에 대한 연구)
- Magazine: 동물 고고학의 새로운 이슈-닭과 조류고고학 (한국의고고학_54)
- Magazine: 북미 원주민이 남긴 암각화를 테마로 한 짧은 탐방기 둘 (한국의고고학_55)
- News: "문헌·유물에 없는 역사 정보, 사람 뼈와 미라에 남아 있죠" (연합뉴스)
- Scientific Committee Member: Asia-Pacific Paleopathology Forum (Kyoto)
- Scientific Committee Member: the 6th International Symposium of Paleohistology (ISPH 2022, Pune, India)
- Scientific Program Committee Member: International Federation of Association of Anatomists in 2024
- Session Organizer: Asia-Pacific Paleopathology Forum 2022
- Special Lecture: SNU Medical Dream of Nobel Prize 2022 (12/17/2022)
- Symposium Organizer: Topics of Paleopathology and Osteoarchaeology in South Korea
- Symposium Panel Member: 49th Annual North American Meeting of the Paleopathology Association (Mar 22-23, Denver)
Year of 2021
- Article: 考古寄生虫学(考古学ジャーナル)
- Article: 古病理学研究の回顧と展望(考古学ジャーナル)
- Article: 古病理研究の国際的動向(考古学ジャーナル)
- Article: Ancient DNA of Metagonimus yokogawai Recovered from Joseon Period Human Remains Newly Discovered at Goryeong County in South Korea (Acta Parasitologica)
- Article: Archaeological and Anthropological Investigation in Case of Urgent Time Constraints of Rescue Archaeology in South Korea (Ancient Asia)
- Article: Helminth Eggs Detected in Soil Samples of a Possible Toilet Structure Found at the Capital Area of Ancient Baekje Kingdom of Korea (Korean J Parasitol)
- Article: Osteochondrosis dissecans in glenoid cavity of Korean War casualty's scapula (Anat Cell Biol)
- Article: Two Helminthic Cases of Human Mummy Remains from Joseon-Period Graves in Korea (Korean J Parasitol)
- Chapter: Bog Bodies and Natural Mummification of Siberia (Handbook of Mummy Studies)
- Chapter: Mummy Clothing Found in East Asia (Handbook of Mummy Studies)
- Chapter: Radiological and Ethical Considerations of Autopsy in Mummy Study (Handbook of Mummy Studies)
- Editor-in-Chief: Handbook of Mummy Studies: New Frontiers in Scientific and Cultural Perspectives (Springer): 2021 Edition
- Invited Lecture: 6th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Paleopathology
- Invited Lecture: Deccan College Archaeology Discussion Group (India)
- Journal Editing: 考古学ジャーナル 2021年8月号: 古病理学研究と考古学
- Magazine: 북미고고유적탐방기(한국의고고학_51)
- Magazine: 북미고고유적탐방기(한국의고고학_52)
- Magazine: 북미고고유적탐방기(한국의고고학_53)
- Newsletter: Asia_Pacific Paleopathology Forum (PPA Newsletter No.194)
Year of 2020
- Article: 고고학 및 유전학적 연구결과를 중심으로 살펴본 사육말의 기원과 확산에 관한 검토 (Anatomy and Biological Anthropology)
- Article: 고대동북아시아 편두고인골의 연구현황 (인문학연구)
- Article: 생물인류학적 관점에서의 동물고고학 특집호에 대하여 (Anatomy and Biological Anthropology)
- Article: 서울 종로구 공평동 유적 내 유기물 수혈에서 발견된 동물 뼈 검토
- Article: Ancient Echinostome Eggs Discovered in Archaeological Strata Specimens from a Baekje Capital Ruins of South Korea (Journal of Parasitology)
- Article: Ancient mitochondrial DNA analysis of avian bones collected from the 4th century pit burial found in South Korea (Archaeological Research in Asia)
- Article: Ancient to modern secular changes in the cranial/cephalic index in Korea: historical brachycephalization and recent debrachycephalization (Anatomical Science International)
- Article: Craniofacial reconstruction of the Indus Valley Civilization individuals found at 4500-year-old Rakhigarhi cemetery (Anatomical Science International)
- Article: Re: Heindl et al.: The eyes of Oetzi: the Tyrolean iceman mummy
- Chapter: Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology: Archaeoparasitology
- Chapter: Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology: Mummy Studies
- Chapter: Handbook of Mummy Studies: Archaeoparasitology of Korean Mummies
- Chapter: Handbook of Mummy Studies: Craniofacial Reconstruction in Mummy Studies
- Chapter: Handbook of Mummy Studies: Endoscopy in Mummy Studies
- Chapter: Handbook of Mummy Studies: History of Ancient DNA Analysis in Mummy Research
- Chapter: Handbook of Mummy Studies: Mummies and Skeletonized Individuals to Reveal the Relationship of Parasitism, Social Complexity, and Subsistence Strategy in Eurasian Continent
- Chapter: Handbook of Mummy Studies: Mummies in China: Mawangdui and Other Related Mummies
- Chapter: Handbook of Mummy Studies: Mummies in Japan
- Chapter: Handbook of Mummy Studies: Mummies in Siberia
- Chapter: Handbook of Mummy Studies: Archaeological Findings of the Tarim Basin Graves and Mummies
- Chapter: Handbook of Mummy Studies: Joseon Dynasty Mummies of Korea
- Chapter: Handbook of Mummy Studies: Mummies of Song-Ming Dynasty in China
- Chapter: The Bioarchaeology of Urbanization: Urbanization and Parasitism: Archaeoparasitology of South Korea
- Editorial Board Member: Bioarchaeology and Social Theory (Springer)
- Editorial Board Member: Bioarchaeology International (University of Florida Press).
- Magazine: 고인골 턱뼈에서 확인된 양성 및 악성종양들(한국의 고고학_49)
- Magazine: 고인골에서 관찰되는 치아의 형태이상(한국의 고고학_48)
- Magazine: 고인골치아에서 확인되는 스트레스 지표(한국의 고고학_49)
- Magazine: 동물 가축화에 대한 분자유전학적 최신 연구 현황 (한국의 고고학_48)
- Magazine: 옛사람 인골에서 보이는 풍습적 치아발치(한국의 고고학_49)
- Magazine: 절규하는 그녀 심장마비로 사망했을까 (과학동아)
- Magazine: 치아우식증-충치의 인류학(한국의 고고학_47)
Year of 2019
- Article: 강원도 영월에서 발견된 고려시대 사람 뼈에 대한 유전학적 분석: 해부생물인류학
- Article: 생물 인류학 연구와 관련 지어 본 조선시대 나병 환자의 삶과 죽음: 해부생물인류학
- Article: 유전학적 연구결과를 중심으로 살펴본 동북아시아 소의 기원과 확산: 한국상고사학보
- Article: 인류학적 조사 후 옛사람 유해를 유족에게 반환한 사례에 대하여: 해부생물인류학
- Article: Analysis of COI and ITS2 regions of DNA obtained from Paragonimus westermani eggs in ancient coprolites on Joseon dynasty mummies: Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz
- Article: Archaeoparasitological Analysis of Samples from the Cultural Layer of Nadym Gorodok dated Back to the 14th-Late 18th Centuries: Korean Journal of Parasitology
- Article: Caries, antemortem tooth loss and tooth wear observed in indigenous peoples and Russian settlers of 16th to 19th century West Siberia: Archives of Oral Biology
- Article: Comparison of Helminth Infection among the Native Populations of the Arctic and Subarctic Areas in Western Siberia Throughout History: Parasitological Researches on Contemporary and the Archaeological Resources: Korean Journal of Parasitology
- Article: Current Trends in Studies of Ancient Diseases: Biomed Res Int
- Article: Cytochrome C oxidase subunit 1, internal transcribed spacer 1, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide hydrogen dehydrogenase subunits 2 and 5 of Clonorchis sinensis ancient DNA retrieved from Joseon Dynasty mummy specimens: Journal of Korean Medical Science
- Article: Differential Change in the Prevalence of the Ascaris, Trichuris and Clonorchis infection Among Past East Asian Populations: Korean Journal of Parasitology
- Article: DNA analysis of COI and ITS2 regions using Paragonimus westermani eggs remained in theancient coprolites from Joseon Dynasty mummies: MEM INST OSWALDO CRUZ
- Article: Effects of alternate dissection on anatomy learning: Anatomy & Cell Biology
- Article: Genetic Analysis of Small-Subunit Ribosomal RNA, Internal Transcribed Spacer 2, and ATP Synthase Subunit 8 of Trichuris trichiura Ancient DNA Retrieved from the 15th to 18th Century Joseon Dynasty Mummies' Coprolites from Korea: Journal of Parasitology
- Article: Medieval mummies of Zeleny Yar burial ground in the Arctic Zone of Western Siberia: PLOS ONE
- Article: Preface for Special Section on Archaeoparasitology: A Global Perspective on Ancient Parasites and Current Research Projects: Korean Journal of Parasitology
- Article: Reconsideration of Dr. Allen's Report about Hemoptysis Patients from High Prevalence of Archaeoparasitological Paragonimiasis in Korea: Korean Journal of Parasitology
- Article: Regional thickness of facial skin and superficial fat: Application to the minimally‐invasive procedures: Clinical Anatomy
- Article: The Buchta-Nakhodka 2 burial ground: Results of archaeoparasitological and macro-remains investigations of samples from the burial grounds of the 6th–13th century CE on the Yamal Peninsula in Russia: Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports
- Article: Traumatic injury in a cranium found at Rakhigarhi cemetery of Harappan civilization as anthropological evidence of interpersonal violence: Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports
- Chairperson: Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, Seoul National University College of Medicine (Sep, 2019-)
- Editorial Board Member: The Abhidha Journal of Art, Archaeology and Cultural Heritage. India.
- Invited Editor: Special Issue of Paleoparasitology. A global perspective on ancient parasites: Current research projects. Korean Journal of Parasitology
- Magazine: 인더스 문명 유적 조사보고 (1) 8년에 걸쳐 이어진 인도 고고학 현장의 한국팀 발굴조사 이야기: 한국의 고고학 42호
- Magazine: 인더스 문명 유적 조사보고 (2): 라키가리 유적 발굴 조사 전말: 한국의 고고학
- Magazine: 인더스 문명 유적 조사보고 (3): 라키가리 유적에서 찾은 남녀 합장묘. 한국의 고고학. 44호. 주류성
- Magazine: 제 24차 유럽고고학회 및 제 21차 인도-태평양 선사 고고학회 참가기. 한국의 고고학. 41호. 주류성
- News: 구미서 400년 전 조선 중기 학자 고응척 선생 미라 발견: 연합뉴스
- News: Ancient lovers found in Indian burial site mystify and intrigue archaeologists: CNN
- News: Cut to the bone: The Hindu: Business Line
- News: Forever, even in death: The Pioneer
- News: Harappa grave of ancient 'couple' reveals secrets: BBC
- News: In a first, ancient couple found in Harappan grave: Times of India
- News: Soon, you can see how the Harappans looked: The Hindu
- Presentation: "최근 소의 기원에 관한 국제적 연구경향과 한반도 신석기 시대 소 뼈 연구에 관한 제언" 제49회 한국상고사학회 정기학술대회
- Presentation: "Urbanization and Ancient Parasitism": AAPA Annual Meeting (at Cleveland)
- Presentation: DNA Sequences of 28S rRNA and COI regions obtained from ancient Metagonimus yokogawai eggs found in the coprolites of Joseon Dynasty mummies: 3rd Annual Conference of Japanese Society of Paleopathology
- Scientific Committee Member: 46th Annual North American Meeting of the Paleopathology Association (Cleveland, Ohio)
- Scientific Committee Member: The 3rd Korea-Japan Paleopathology Forum (Jeju)
- Scientific Committee Member: VII Paleopathology Association Meeting in South America (Sao Paulo)
- Session Chair: 46th Annual North American Meeting of Paleopathology Association. (Cleveland, Ohio)
- Session Chair: The 3rd Korea-Japan Paleopathology Forum (Jeju, S Korea)
- Session Organizer: Paleopathology Association Meeting in South America VIII (Sao Paulo)
- Symposium Convener: The 3rd SEAMEO SPAFA International Conference on Southeast Asian Archaeology (Bangkok)
Year of 2018
- Article: A young couple’s grave found in the Rakhigarhi cemetery of the Harappan Civilization: Anatomy & Cell Biology
- Article: An Experimental Assessment of the Cause of Mummification in the Joseon Period Burials, Republic of Korea: Archaeology, Ethnology & Anthropology of Eurasia
- Article: Ancient Soil-Transmitted Parasite Eggs Detected from the Sixth Century Three Kingdom Period Silla Tomb: Journal of Korean Medical Science.
- Article: Archaeological and anthropological studies on the Harappan cemetery of Rakhigarhi, India: PLOS ONE
- Article: Archaeoparasitological Strategy Based on the Microscopic Examinations of Prehistoric Samples and the Recent Report on the Difference in the Prevalence of Soil Transmitted Helminthic Infections in the Indian Subcontinent: Ancient Asia
- Article: Assessing the physical and pathological traits of human skeletal remains from cemetery localities at the Rakhigarhi site of the Harappan Civilization: Anthropological Science
- Article: From excavation site to reburial ground: a standard protocol of mummy studies in South Korea: Asian Journal of Paleopathology
- Article: Genetic resolution of applied biosystems™ precision ID Ancestry panel for seven Asian populations: Leg Med (Tokyo)
- Article: Helicobacter pylori DNA obtained from the stomach specimens of two 17th century Korean mummies: Anthropologischer Anzeiger
- Article: Historical approach to syphilis infection in Korea: Acta Med Hist Adriat
- Article: Horse-riding accidents and injuries in historical records of Joseon Dynasty, Korea: International Journal of Paleopathology
- Article: Lumbosacral Defects in a 16th–18th-Century Joseon Dynasty Skeletal Series from Korea: Biomed Res International
- Article: Mitochondrial DNA analysis of Bos taurus bone collected from ruins of the Joseon Period in a tributary of the Cheonggyecheon creek, South Korea: Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports
- Article: Mummification in Korea and China: Mawangdui, Song, Ming and Joseon Dynasty Mummies: Biomed Research International
- Article: Paleopathological Considerations on Malaria Infection in Korea Before 20th Century: Biomed Research International
- Article: Post-factum autopsy to confirm cardiac structures visible on computed tomography images of Korean mummies: the radiological basis of paleo-cardiology: Anthropologischer Anzeiger
- Article: Single Nucleotide Polymorphism Analyses on ABCC11, EDAR, FGFR2 and ABO Genotypes of Mummified People of Joseon Dynasty, South Korea: Anthropological Science.
- Associate Editor: Anatomy and Cell Biology. (2018- Present)
- Book Chapter: Archaeoparasitology: Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology
- Book Chapter: Mummy Studies: Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology
- Field Work: Anthropological Examination on Rakhigarhi bones (Lee HJ and Kim YJ; Jan-Feb, 2018; Pune, India)
- Guest Editor: Current trends in studies of ancient diseases: Biomed Research International
- Invited Speaker: Fossils And Ancient Genomics Satellite Symposium - April 17, 2018, China National GeneBank
- Keynote Speaker and Session Organizer: International Congress of Parasitology XIV
- Leading Guest Editor: Special Issue of Paleopathology, BioMed Research International
- Magazine: 제 24차 유럽고고학회 및 제 21차 인도-태평양 선사고고학회 참가기: 한국의 고고학 41호
- News: :Parasitology in Paleopathology: New Perspectives using Large Data Bases - Workshop for 45th Annual North American Meeting of Paleopathology Association":PPA Newsletter (Number 182, June, 2018)
- News: “Recent Progress in Paleopathology of Asia” session in upcoming 2018 Indo-Pacific Prehistory Congress: PPA Newsleter: No. 183, September 2018
- News: Ancient Indus Valley Civilization Cemetery Unearthed in India: National Geographic News
- News: Mysteries of Rakhigarhi’s Harappan Necropolis: In burials from 4,000 years ago, women both exalted, condemned: The Indian Express
- News: No Rakhigarhi migration since Harappan era: Experts
- News: We are all Harappans: Outlook
- Preprint: 17세기 이후 農業技術 發展과 人糞의 再活用이 大都市 維持와 都市民 寄生蟲感染에 미친 影響 (농업박물관 대학두레학당 대중 강연 원고)
- Presentation: 83rd Annual Meeting of Society for American Archaeology - Washington, DC April 11–April 15, 2018
- Presentation: Introducing the “Piquete Mummy Project”: the case of Rosa Paula Laborda: Extraordinary World Congress on Mummy Studies: Tenerife Auditorium, Canary Islands; 05/21/18 - 05/25/18
- Session Chairperson: 6th International Congress of Society of South Asian Archaeology (Kolkata)
- Session Organizer: 2018 Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association. Congress (Hue)
- Session Organizer: 8th Asia Pacific International Congress of Anatomists (Pusan)
- Session Organizer: Seoul International Conference: Current Trends in Paleoparasitology (Seoul)
- Symposium Organizer: The 22nd European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association (Zagreb)
- Workshop Organizer: 5th Annual North American Meeting of Paleopathology Association. Austin (Texas)
Year of 2017
- Article: A case of ectopic paragonimiasis in a 17th century Korean mummy: Journal of Parasitology
- Article: Ascaris Ancient DNA Sequences of Cytochrome B, Cytochrome C Oxidase subunit 1, NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1, and Internal Transcribed Spacer 1 genes from Joseon Mummy Feces of Korea: Journal of Parasitology
- Article: Estimation of parasite infection prevalence of Joseon people by paleoparasitological data updates from the ancient feces of pre-modern Korean mummies: Anthropological Science
- Article: Historical Details about the Meat Consumption and Taeniases in Joseon Period of Korea: Korean Journal of Parasitology
- Article: Paleogenetic study on the 17th century Korean mummy with atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease: PLOS ONE
- Article: Preface to the Special Issue on Paleopathology: Anthropological Science
- Article: The presence of sharp-edged weapon related cut mark in Joseon skull discovered at the 16th century market district of Old Seoul City ruins in South Korea: Anatomy and Cell Biology
- Article: The scientific and ethical background of the invasive studies on the Korean mummies of the Joseon dynasty: Asian Journal of Paleopathology
- Article: Torus mandibularis in skeletal remains from the Joseon Dynasty and modern Korea: Anthropological Science
- Article: Tracing the historical origin of Joseon mummy in consideration of the structural similarities between the burial systems of Korean and Chinese dynasties: Papers on Anthropology
- Article: Y chromosomal deletion pattern in Koreans inhabiting Jeju Island: Anthropologischer Anzeiger
- Book Chapter: Multidisciplinary Studies on the medieval mummies of Joseon Dynasty, Korea: Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Science
- Book Chapter: The Mummification Process Among the 'Fire Mummies' of Kabayan: A Paleohistological Note: Ancient Ink: The Archaeology of Tatooing (U Washington Press)
- Field Work: Summer Investigation at Tyumen, Russia
- Guest Editor: Special Issue of Paleopathology, Anthropological Science
- Guest Editor: Special Issue: Current Trends in Studies of Ancient Diseases
- Invited Speaker: European Society for Evolutionary Biology
- Magazine: 고고학 연구에 법의학적 얼굴 복원의 적용: 한국의 고고학 35호
- Magazine: 조선시대 무덤에서 발견된 미라를 어떻게 조사할 것인가: 한국의 고고학 37호
- Organizer: 2017 Korea-Japan Paleopathology Forum (Tokyo)

Year of 2016
- Article: Bio-Anthropological Studies on Human Skeletons from the 6th Century Tomb of Ancient Silla Kingdom in South Korea: PLOS ONE
- Article: Calcified Pulmonary Nodules Identified in a 350-Year-Old-Joseon Mummy: the First Report on Ancient Pulmonary Tuberculosis from Archaeologically Obtained Pre-modern Korean Samples: Journal of Korean Medical Science
- Article: Detection Trend of Helminth Eggs in the Strata Soil Samples from Ancient Historic Places of Korea: Korean Journal of Parasitology
- Article: Effectiveness of Coupled Application of AmpFℓSTR Yfiler Kit and Reduced Size Y-chromosomal Short Tandem Repeat Analysis for Archeological Human Bones: Journal of Forensic Sciences
- Article: Identification of proteins from 4200-year-old skin and muscle tissue biopsies from ancient Egyptian mummies of the first intermediate period shows evidence of acute inflammation and severe immune response: Phil. Trans. R. Soc.A
- Article: Paleoparasitological study on the soil sediment samples from archaeological sites of ancient Silla Kingdom in Korean peninsula: Quaternary International
- Article: Paleopathological Patterns of Degenerative Arthropathy: Prevalence of Limb-Joint Osteoarthritis in Joseon People Skeletons: Anthropologists
- Article: Preface for Special Section on Paleoparasitology: Korean Journal of Parasitology
- Co-organizer: Special Section of Paleoparasitology, Korean Journal of Parasitology (2016/10)
- Editorial Board Member: Ancient Asia. The official journal of the Society of South Asian Archaeology (SOSAA) (2016-Present)
- Editorial Board Member: Annals of Geriatric Medicine and Research (AGMR (2016-Present)
- Editorial Board Member: Asian Journal of Paleopathology. (2016-Present).
- Field Work: Anthropological Study on the Bones of Rakhigarhi
- Field Work: Excavation in Rakhigarhi on March
- Field Work: Study on Zeleny Yar mummy-. Siberia, Russia federation begins-.
- Guest Editor: Special Section of Paleoparasitology, Korean Journal of Parasitology
- Honor: National Geographic Explorer
- Invited Speaker: ASTRA 2016, Pune
- Invited Speaker: National Geographic Young Explorers Grants Seminar
- Magazine: 제9차 세계미라학회 및 제8차 世界考古學大會 참가기: 한국의 고고학 34호
- Magazine: 한국고기생충학 연구의 현재와 미래: 한국의 고고학 33호
- MOU: Institute for Problems of the Development of the North/SB RAS/Russia
- My lab woks committed to the popular books
- News: 15 skeletons found at Harappan site in Hisar’s Rakhigarhi village: Tribune (India)
- News: 350년 전 조선시대 미라에서 폐결핵 첫 발견: 연합뉴스
- News: 미라·인골에 빠진 신동훈 서울대 의대 교수 “뼈는 과거 엿보는 타임머신…유골 200분 넘게 모셨죠” (중앙일보)
- News: 뼈는 알고 있다…내가 왜 죽었는지: 조선일보
- News: 인간을 이해하는 또 다른 방법: 서울대뉴스
- News: La splendeur révélée de la reine Arégonde: Sciences et Avenir
- News: Rare Skull From Korea's Silla Kingdom Reconstructed: Archaeology Magazine
- News: Up-close laboratory pictures of ancient mummy as scientists recreate his life and times: The Siberian Times
- News: Кем был, как жил, почему умер? Ученые из Кореи исследуют «зеленоярского мальчика»: Ямал
- Organizer: Sessions of Mummy Congress in Peru
- Organizer: World Archaeology Congress: Session T10-O "Paleopathology in Asia"
Field Works in INDIA
with my colleague Dr. Shinde of India
Year of 2015
- Article: 조선시대 미라 뇌 조직을 이용한 질병 관련 유전자 진단에서 Multiplex Ligation Dependent Probe Amplification Assay 기법 적용 가능성 검토: 대한체질인류학회지
- Article: A paleoparasitological study on the capital area of the ancient Korean Kingdom: Journal of Parasitology
- Article: Anatomical Confirmation of Computed Tomography-Based Diagnosis of the Atherosclerosis Discovered in 17th Century Korean Mummy: PLOS ONE
- Article: Ancient Mitochondrial DNA Analyses of Ascaris Eggs Discovered in Coprolites from Joseon Tomb: Korean Journal of Parasitology
- Article: Anthropological Study on the Cremated Bones of the Late Silla Kingdom Period in Korean History: The Anthropologists
- Article: Bone tumors in pre-modern skulls from human skeletal series of Joseon Dynasty: Anatomy & Cell Biology
- Article: Forensic palynological analysis of intestinal contents of a Korean mummy: Anatomical Record
- Article: Human Skeletal Remains from Ancient Burial Sites in India: With Special Reference to Harappan Civilization: Korean J Phys Anthropol
- Article: Invasive versus non-invasive methods applied to mummy research: will this controversy ever be solved?: BioMed Research International
- Article: Joseon Funerary Texts Tested Using Ancient DNA Analysis of a Korean Mummy: Anatomical Record
- Article: The Use and Effectiveness of Triple Multiplex System for Coding Region Single Nucleotide Polymorphism in Mitochondrial DNA Typing of Archaeologically Obtained Human Skeletons from Joseon Tombs: BioMed Research International
- Book Chapter: Parasitism, cesspits and sanitation in East Asian countries prior to modernization: Ashgate
- Editorial Board Member: PLOS ONE. (2015-2024)
- Editorial Board Member: Scientific Reports. Nature Publishing Group. (2015-Present)
- Honor: Kavli Frontiers of Science Fellow (National Academy of Science, US)
- Invited Speaker: Kavli Frontiers of Science
- Invited Speaker: Kavli_Lecture_Movie_Biomedical_Studies_on_Health_and_Disease_Status_of_Our_Ancestors
- MS thesis: Phylogenetic Reconstruction of Domestic Cattle in East Asia by Hierarchial Clustering of Mitochondrial DNA D-loop Sequences
- News: Ancient skeletons found in India: BBC NEWS
- News: DNA of a civilisation: FRONTLINE (India)
- News: Four Harappan-era skeletons found near Hisar: The Tribune (India)
- News: In search of the Harappan DNA: Forbes India
- News: Skeletons Could Shed Light on Indus Valley Civilization: Archaeology Magazine
- News: Virtual Harappans to come alive: The Hindu
Year of 2014
- Article: 조선시대 흡충류 감염기전에 대한 고찰:대한의사협회지
- Article: 학술적 연구대상으로서 고인골의 법적지위에 대한 검토: 야외고고학
- Article: 회곽묘에서 확인된 사람 정강뼈에 나타난 톱 자국에 대한 법의인류학적 고찰: 대한체질인류학회지
- Article: A possible case of Cherubism in a 17th-century Korean female mummy: PLOS ONE
- Article: Harris Lines Observed in Human Skeletons of Joseon Dynasty, Korea: Anatomy& Cell Biology
- Article: Joseon mummies identified before bioanthropological studies began in Korea: Papers on Anthropology
- Article: Making Animal Model for Korean Mummy Studies: Anthropologischer Anzeiger
- Article: Paleoparasitological studies on Mummies of the Joseon Dynasty, Korea: Korean Journal of Parasitology
- Article: Parasitic infection patterns as correlated with urban-rural recycling of night soils in Korea and other East Asian countries: the archaeological and historical evidence: Korean Studies (University of Hawaii)
- Article: Radiological Diagnosis of Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia in 17th century Korean Mummy: PLOS ONE
- Article: Stable Isotope Analysis of Joseon People Skeletons from the Cemeteries of Old Seoul City, the Capital of Joseon Dynasty: Anatomy & Cell Biology
- Article: The archaeological contribution of forensic craniofacial reconstruction to a portrait drawing of a Korean historical figure: Journal of Archaeological Science
- Article: The Changing Pattern of Parasitic Infection among Korean Populations by Paleoparasitological Study of Joseon Dynasty Mummies: Journal of Parasitology
- Article: V-shaped Pits in Regions of Ancient Baekje Kingdom Paleoparasitologically Confirmed as Likely Human-Waste Reservoirs: Korean Journal of Parasitology
- Article: What could Radiological Study say about Korean Mummies?: Yearbook of Mummy Studies
- Article: Y 염색체 단완 미세결실 유전자검사 사례보고: 대한법의학회지
- Editorial Board Member: Yearbook of Mummy Studies. Vol. 2. Verlag Dr. Friedrich Pfeil.
- News: Congenital Hernia Diagnosed in 17th-Century Korean Mummy: Archaeology Magazine
- News: Scientists spot hernia in 300-year-old mummy: Science_Sifter
- News: Scientists to study parasite eggs in Harappan graves: The Times of India
- Organizer: IPPA 2014 Congress: "Paleopathology in Asia"
- Organizer: Sixth SEAA Conference: Session "New Perspectives of Paleopathology in East Asia"
Research Project in India (2011-2017)

Waiting for My Turn: Lecture in Deccan College (2013)

Year of 2013
- Article: 조선후기 한양 도성 내 토양매개성 기생충 감염 원인에 대한 역사 문헌학적 고찰: 의사학
- Article: A synergistic interaction between transcription factors nuclear factor-¿B and signal transducers and activators of transcription 3 promotes gastric cancer cell migration and invasion: BMC Gastroenterology
- Article: Amplification of DNA remnants in mummified human brains from medieval Joseon tombs of Korea: Anthtopologischer Anzeiger
- Article: Ancient DNA analysis on Clonorchis sinensis eggs remained in samples from medieval Korean mummy: Journal of Archaeological Science
- Article: Bioarchaeological investigation of possible gunshot wounds in 18th century human skeletons from Korea: International Journal of Osteoarchaeology
- Article: Collaboration of Archaeologists, Historians and Bioarchaeologists During Removal of Clothing from Korean Mummy of Joseon Dynasty: International Journal of Historical Archaeology
- Article: Evidence of Periostitis in Joseon Dynasty Skeletons: 대한체질인류학회지
- Article: Improvement of short tandem repeat analysis of samples highly contaminated by humic acid: Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine
- Article: Long bone fractures identified in the Joseon Dynasty human skeletons of Korea: Anatomy & Cell Biology
- Article: Paleoparasitological survey for the detection of helminth eggs in archaeological sites of Jeolla-do and Jeju-do: Korean Journal of Parasitology
- Article: The pattern of ancient parasite egg contamination in the private residence, alley, ditch and streambed soils of old Seoul City, the capital of Joseon dynasty: International Journal of Paleopathology
- Book Chapter: 고DNA 연구의 발생과 전개 그리고 응용. 발굴현장에서 고인골 분석연구실까지: 국립문화재연구소
- Lecture Note: 17세기 이후 농업기술 발전과 인분의 재활용이 대도시 유지와 도시민 기생충감염에 미친 영항: 농업박물관대학 두레학당 강의록
Year of 2012
- Article: Ancient-to-modern secular changes in Korean stature: Am J Phys Anthropol
- Article: Autosomal Short Tandem Repeat Analysis of Ancient DNA by Coupled Use of Mini- and Conventional STR Kits: Journal of Forensic Sciences
- Article: Diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis cases found in Joseon Dynasty human sample collection of Korea: International Journal of Osteoarchaeology
- Article: Ectopic paratonimiasis from 400 year old female mummy of Korea: Journal of Archaeological Science
- Article: Effects of humic acid on DNA quantification with Quantifiler® Human DNA Quantification kit and short tandem repeat amplification efficiency: International Journal of Legal Medicine
- Article: Sixteenth Century Gymnophalodes seoi Infection on the Coast of the Korean Penninsula: Journal of Parasitology
- Article: Tracing hepatitis B virus to the 16(th) century in a Korean mummy: Hepatology
- Article: Vertebral osteophyte of pre-modern Korean skeletons from Joseon tombs: Anatomy & Cell Biology
- Magazine: 조선시대 미라 연구: 지나간 10년의 연구사와 그 미래: 한국의 고고학 (in Korean)
Year of 2011
- Article: 조선시대 유자광 묘 여부 논란이 있는 남원 영광 류씨 선산 내 회곽묘 출토 인골에 대한 인류학적 조사: 대한체질인류학회지
- Article: Differential findings in post-factum dissections of medieval Korean mummies which exhibited similar preservation patterns on computerized tomography images: Annals of Anatomy
- Article: Discovery of Taeniid Eggs from a 17th Century Tomb in Korea: Korean J Parasitol
- Article: Effects of humic acid on DNA quantification with Quantifiler® Human DNA Quantification kit and short tandem repeat amplification efficiency: International Journal of Legal Medicine
- Article: Enteribius vermiculars eggs discovered in coprolites from a medieval Korean mummy: Korean J Parasitol
- Article: Paleo-parasitological study on the soils collected from archaeological sites in old district of Seoul City: Journal of Archaeological Science
- Article: Parasite Eggs found in Korean Mummies: Yearbook of Mummy Studies
- Article: Possible rheumatoid arthritis found in the human skeleton collected from the tomb of Joseon Dynasty, Korea, dating back to the 1700s AD: International Journal of Osteoarchaeology
- Article: Sex determination of Joseon people skeletons based on anatomical, cultural and molecular biological clues: Annals of Anatomy
- Associate Editor: Yearbook of Mummy Studies Vol. 1 Verlag Dr. Friedrich Pfeil, Munchen, Germany.
- Book Chapter: The promise, the problems and the future of DNA analysis in paleopathology studies (with Spigelman M and Gila KBG): A companion to Paleopathology
Year of 2010
- Article: 고려시대 사람 뼈에 대한 인류학적 분석을 통해 본 해당 시기 뼈대모음의 향후 구축전망: 대한체질인류학회지
- Article: 정선 아우라지 출토 원삼국시대 옹관묘에서 확인된 사람 머리뼈에 대한 인류학적 연구보고: 대한체질인류학회지
- Article: Amplification and Sequencing of Trichuris trichiura ancient DNA extracted from archaeological sediments: Journal of Archaeological Science
- Article: Auto-fluorescence emitted from the cell residues preserved in human tissues of medieval Korean mummies: J Anatomy
- Article: Dental caries prevalence of medieval Korean people: Arch Oral Biol
- Article: Magnetic resonance imaging performed on a hydrated mummy of medieval Korea: J Anatomy
- Article: Paleoparasitological report on Ascaris aDNA from an ancient East Asian sample:Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz
- Article: Technical Note: Efficiency of total demineralization and ion-exchange column for DNA extraction from bone: American Journal of Physical Anthropology
- Article: The influence of differential burial preservation on the recovery of parasite eggs in soil samples from Korean medieval tombs: J Parasitology
- Book: 7일간의 신경해부학실습 (지침서와 아틀라스): 고려의학
- My Contents in the Book: Mummies: National Geographic Kids
- News: Is there a doctor in the grave? (Korea JoongAng Daily)
- News: Korean Love Affair (Archaeology Magazine)
- Scientific Committee Member: 10th International Conference on Ancient DNA and Associated Biomolecules (Munich)
Year of 2009
- Article: 60여년 경과한 뼈 시료에서 QuantifilerTM Human DNA Kit를 이용한 정량의 유효성: 대한법의학회지
- Article: 해외 연구동향에 비추어 본 조선시대 회곽묘 출토 한국미라 연구현황: 동양학
- Article: Acute traumatic death of a 17th century general based on examination of mummified remains found in Korea: Journal of Anatomy
- Article: Detection of parasite eggs from a moat encircling the royal palace of Silla, the ancient Korean kingdom: Journal of Archaeological Science
- Article: Eung Tae's Tomb: A Joseon ancestor and the letters of those that loved him (Antiquity)
- Article: Finding ancient parasite larvae in a sample from a male living in late 17th century Korea: Journal of Parasitology
- Article: Lats kinase is involved in the intestinal apical membrane integrity in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans: Development
- Article: Scanning electron microscope study of ancient parasite eggs recovered from Korean mummies of the Joseon Dynasty: Journal of Parasitology
- News: Parasite eggs in ancient moat (Archaeology magazine)
Year of 2008
- Future prospects for the scientific investigations of the medieval human remains from the Joseon Dynasty in Korea: Mummies and Science. World Mummies Research
- Gymnophalloides seoi eggs from the stool of a 17th century female mummy found in Hadong, Republic of Korea: Journal of Parasitology
- How did mummification occur in bodies buried in tombs with a lime soil mixture barrier during the Joseon Dynasty in Korea:Mummies and Science. World Mummies Research
- Human mummified brain from a medieval tomb with lime-soil mixture barrier of the Joseon Dynasty, Korea: International Journal of Osteoarchaeology
- The potential for non-invasive study of mummies: validation of the use of computerized tomography by post factum dissection and histological examination of a 17th century female Korean mummy: Journal of Anatomy
- Ultramicroscopic investigation of the preservation status of hair collected from a full-term, intrauterine baby mummy of the Joseon Dynasty, Korea: International Journal of Osteoarchaeology
- Vitamin C suppresses proliferation of the human melanoma cell SK-MEL-2 through the inhibition of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) expression and the modulation of insulin-like growth factor II (IGF-II) production: J Cell Physiol
Year of 2007
- Article: Insulin-like growth factor binding protein (IGFBP)-mediated hair cell survival on the mouse utricle exposedto neomycin: the roles of IGFBP-4 ad IGFBP-5: Acta Otolaryngol Suppl.
- Article: Paleoparasitological report on the stool from a medieval child mummy in Yangju, Korea: J Parasitology
- Article: Reactive astrocytes expressing intense estrogen receptor-alpha immunoreactivities have much elongated cytoplasmic processes: J Korean Med Sci
- Article: Regulation of UVB-induced IL-8 and MCP-1 production in skin keratinocytes by increasing vitamin C uptake via the redistribution of SVCT-1 from the cytosol to the membrane: J Invest Dermatol
- Article: The molecular mechanisms of vitamin C on cell cycle regulation in B16F10 murine melanoma: J Cell Biochem
- Article: Three-diemnsional reconstruction of medieval child mummy in Yangju, Korea using multi-detector computed tomography: Annals of Anatomy
- Magazine: Korean mummy (Archaeology magazine)
- Magazine: National Geographic: Locks of Love: 2007 Nov
Year of 2006
- Endoscopic investigation of the internal organs of a 15th-century child mummy from Yangju, Korea: J Anat
- Preserved skin structure of a recently found fifteenth-century mummy in Daejeon, Korea: J Anat.
- Immunohistochemical localization of sodium-dependent L-ascorbic acid transporter 1 protein in rat kidney: Histochem Cell Biol
- Ultramicroscopic study on the hair of newly found 15th century mummy in Daejeon, Korea: Ann Anat.
- Immunohistochemical study on the distribution of TRPC channels in the rat hippocampus: Brain Res
- Immunohistochemical study of the distribution of sodium-dependent vitamin C transporters in adult rat brain: J Neurosci Res.
- Medieval mummy from Yangju: Archaeology, Ethnology and Anthropology of Eurasia
Investigation of Bones at Archaeological Sites (2006)

Year of 2005
- Ultramicroscopic observations on morphological changes in hair during 25 years of weathering: Forensic Sci Int
- An ultramicroscopic study on the distribution of Müller cell processes in the outer retinal layers of the zebrafish: Ann Anat
- Immunohistochemical study of p47Phox and gp91Phox distributions in rat brain: Brain Res
- The presence of megamitochondria in the ellipsoid of photoreceptor inner segment of the zebrafish retina: Anat Histol Embryol
- Immunohistochemical study on the distribution of sodium-dependent vitamin C transporters in the respiratory system of adult rat: Microsc Res Tech
Year of 2004
- A subcellular distribution of estrogen receptor-alpha is changed during artificially induced senescence of PC12 pheochromocytoma cells: Neurosci Lett
- Distribution of heat shock protein 108 mRNA during the development of the chicken brain: Neurosci Lett
- Induction of transcription factor c-myb expression in reactive astrocytes following intracerebroventricular kainic acid injection in mouse hippocampus: Neurosci Lett
- Postnatal development and age-related changes in the distribution of nitric oxide synthase-immunoreactive neurons in the visual system of rats: Neurosci Lett
- Protective effect of growth hormone on neuronal apoptosis after hypoxia-ischemia in the neonatal rat brain: Neurosci Lett
- Reactive astrocytes express PARP in the central nervous system of SOD(G93A) transgenic mice: Brain Res
- Subcellular localization of WD40 repeat 1 protein in PC12 rat pheochromocytoma cells: Neurosci Lett
- The distribution of c-myb immunoreactivities in the adult mouse retina: Neurosci Lett
Year of 2003
- Caveolin-3 expression during early chicken development: Brain Res Dev Brain Res
- Glial cells in the chicken optic tectum: Brain Res
- Growth-associated protein-43 is elevated in the injured rat sciatic nerve after low power laser irradiation: Neurosci Lett
- Heat shock protein 108 mRNA expression during chicken retina development: Neurosci Lett
- Histological analysis on the medieval mummy in Korea: Forensic Sci Int
- Immunocytochemical study on the distribution of c-myb in the central nervous system of the transgenic mice expressing a human copper/zinc superoxide dismutase mutation: Neurosci Lett
- Immunohistochemical study on the distribution of insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) receptor in the central nervous system of SOD1(G93A) mutant transgenic mice: Brain Res
- Pax-7 immunoreactivity in the post-natal chicken central nervous system: Anat Histol Embryol
- Radiological analysis on a mummy from a medieval tomb in Korea: Ann Anat
- The correspondence between the labeling patterns of antibody RT97, neurofilaments, microtubule associated protein 1B and tau varies with cell types and development stages of chicken retina: Neurosci Lett
- Ultramicroscopical immunolocalization of PAX6 in the adult chicken retina: Acta Histochem
- Vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) and VIP mRNA decrease in the cerebral cortex of nNOS knock-out(-/-) mice: Brain Res
The World Cup in Korea-Japan

Year of 2001
- Constitutive expression of c-myb mRNA in the adult rat brain: Brain Res
- Differential alterations in the distribution of voltage-gated calcium channels in aged rat cerebellum: Brain Res
- Immunocytochemical localization of neuronal and inducible nitric oxide synthase in the retina of zebrafish, Brachydanio rerio: Neurosci Lett
Becoming PhD (2000): Anatomy

Seoul National University
Year of 2000
- Immunocytochemical study on the distribution of nitrotyrosine in the brain of the transgenic mice expressing a human Cu/Zn SOD mutation: Brain Res
- Kim BG, Shin DH, Jeon GS, Seo JH, Kim YW, Jeon BS, Cho SS. Relative sparing of calretinin containing neurons in the substantia nigra of 6-OHDA treated rat Parkinsonian model: Brain Res
- Immunohistochemical study on the distribution of Bcl-2 and Bax in the central nervous system of the transgenic mice expressing a human Cu/Zn SOD mutation: Brain Res
- Localization of bcl-2 mRNA in the rabbit central nervous system: Neurosci Lett
- Distribution of heat shock protein 108 mRNA in the chicken central nervous system: Neurosci Lett
- Activation of microglia in kainic acid induced rat retinal apoptosis: Neurosci Lett
- Immunocytochemical localization of neuronal and inducible nitric oxide synthase in the retina of zebrafish, Brachydanio rerio: Neurosci Lett
Dankook University (1999-2002)

Instructor & Assistant Professor
Year of 1999
- Article: Spatial and temporal expression of UDP-galactose: ceramide galactosyl transferase mRNA during rat brain development: Anat Embryol (Berl)
- Article: Reactive astrocytes express p53 in the spinal cord of transgenic mice expressing a human Cu/Zn SOD mutation: Neuroreport
- Article: Rat osteopontin antibody is cross-reactive to a novel myelin-associated protein in chick: Brain Res
- Article: In situ localization of p53, bcl-2 and bax mRNAs in rat ocular tissue: Neuroreport
- Article: In situ localization of neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS) mRNA in the rat retina: Neurosci Lett
- Article: Are substance P neurons of the paraventricular nucleus related to the osmotic regulation in the Mongolian gerbil?: Brain Res
Year of 1998
- Article: Immunocytochemical study on the distribution of NOS-immunoreactive neurons in the cerebral cortex of aged rats: Neuroreport
- Article: Localization of transferrin binding protein in relation to iron, ferritin, and transferrin receptors in the chicken cerebellum: Brain Res
- Article: Reactive astrocytes express nitric oxide synthase in the spinal cord of transgenic mice expressing a human Cu/Zn SOD mutation: Neuroreport
My First Paper (1996)

Arch Histol Cytol. 1996 Oct;59(4):369-73.
Physician (MD) in Youngwol County (-1996)

Graduation (1992): Doctor of Medicine (Haksa Degree)

Seoul National University College of Medicine
Born (1966)

in South Korea